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2018 Habitat Families

We are grateful to have you in our family.

As 2018 comes to a close, I take pride in reflecting on some of the highlights that make your support of Habitat so important in our community.

In August, Louis and his family were bursting with exuberance and awe over having a home of their own.  After 19 years of living in a tent in a refugee camp, they were given the opportunity to change their lives.  It took hard work and dedication, but they never lost sight of their dream and how their lives and those of their children would be transformed through owning a home of their own.  And I will never forget the look of joy on Orariya’s face when she signed her name on the first loan document – something she practiced for over a month!

Their next door neighbor, Crista, a single mom, worked more than double her required “sweat equity” hours on her own house, as well as on several of her neighbors’ homes. Crista is confident and driven to succeed in creating a stable environment for herself and her children. She envisioned it and worked to make it a reality. This holiday season, Crista and her children have a lot to be thankful for as they create new traditions in their own home.

These outcomes don’t happen without your support and belief in our vision that everyone deserves a decent place to live.

There is much need and suffering in our world – and New Mexico is high on the list.  It’s hard to know where to begin. For our families, they believe that it all begins with a home, a stable environment where they can grow and thrive. Investing in the future through our families is what Habitat is all about.

With your help, I am certain we will continue to build community. We are grateful to have you in our family.

May peace and blessings abound for all in 2019!

-Joan Costello, Executive Director

Habitat families during the opening ceremony
Louis’ family and Crista’s family during the opening ceremony for their Habitat homes. This was the very beginning of their journey as new homeowners!
Louis and Orariya, Habitat homeowners
Louis and Orariya working at the job site. Habitat homeowners must volunteer 500 hours of sweat equity before they are eligible to sign the papers for their home.
Habitat homeowners
Louis, Orariya and their 4 children during the dedication ceremony for their new Habitat home. This family moved into their first home in August 2018!
New Habitat homeowners
Louis sons showing off their new bedroom.
Habitat homeowners
Crista with her children at the very beginning of their Habitat homeownership journey. They moved into their new home in September 2018!
Habitat family home dedication
Crista received the keys to her new home during the dedication ceremony in September 2018. She has settled in and will be spending the holidays with her children in their new home.



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